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Julinida Weital Graduates from the University of Guam with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting

The University of Guam graduated 173 students on December 20, 2009 at 2:00pm. The ONPA is happy to announce that Julinida Weital, a staff auditor, was a member of this graduating class. The University of Guam formally conferred upon her the Bachelor Degree of Business Administration in Accounting on this day. The Honorable Pohnpei Governor John Ehsa, husband of Julinida, attended the graduation ceremony.

As part of her Individual Development Plan (IDP), Julinida made it a goal to attain her degree in accounting from an accredited 4-year university. This is part of the ONPA Strategic Plan which requires each staff to develop his/her own IDP as part of the overall goal of implementing capacity development for the office. She made considerable sacrifices and has achieved yet another milestone in her capacity development plans.

ONPA is happy for her success.









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