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Press Release

CID Investigator Attends the Residential Program at Charles Sturt University in Australia

Investigative Auditor Sophia H. Pretrick attended the residential program at the Charles Sturt University 's (CSU) Bathurst campus. The one week, 11 th -15 th September 2006, commercial crime course is a compulsory part of the Graduate Certificate Program in Fraud Investigation undertaken by Pretrick sponsored and funded by the Australian Government through AusAID.

The course was extremely intensive and thorough ranging from cyper-crimes, identity theft, to presenting IT evidence in court and case presentations. It includes researching and networking. At the end of the course, each syndicate presented a case study using knowledge of intelligence gathering techniques, being able to identify fraudulent activities and offences violated, using knowledge of asset tracing procedures, gather documentary evidence, fraud investigation methodologies, demonstrate ability to identify risk management and fraud prevention plan. The focus of the case presentations is to use the information presented during lectures and apply the principles to cases studies.

The assessment policy for the course is 10 marks for individual participation and demonstration throughout the course, 40 marks for syndicate presentation and another 50 marks for post course assignment, which will be due 20 October 2006 .

According to Pretrick, the course was well presented and coordinated by CSU. Facilitators were professionals with extensive background in the field. The course materials were informative and productive. After completing this course Pretrick claimed she could implement what she learned and apply to her own assignments. She recommends CID's participation in this program.

ONPA thanks AusAID and the Australian Embassy for its support in developing the capacity of CID Investigators to better investigate serious financial misconduct, fraud and financial corruption in the FSM.


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