Press Release
ONPA participated in the Joint Professional Training Course sponsored by AGA –Guam Chapter and Guam Society of CPAs on Guam.
On January 22, 2008 Public Auditor Mr. Haser Hainrick and Michael Henry, Auditor III traveled to Guam representing the Office of the FSM National Public Auditor for a training course sponsored by the Association of Government Accountants (AGA)–Guam Chapter and the Guam Society of CPAs. The course was held at the Hyatt Regency-Guam from January 23 to 24, 2008. Participants from across the region included officials from FSM Social Security Administration, Guam Bureau of Budget Management & Research, Guam Department of Administration, Guam Department of Public Works, Guam Department of Agriculture, Guam Department of Land Management, Guam Department of Parks & Recreation, Bureau of Statistics & Plans, Guam Public School System and Guam Department of Revenue & Taxation took part in the training. The course was provided as part of an initiative to support the development and implementation of the ‘Performance Based Budgeting' as required for federal agencies, governments and other institutions no later than September 30, 2009.
In general, the 2-day training course covered Service Efforts and Accomplishments with a focus on Performance-Based Management Reporting. Its participants were expected to gain the necessary skills to effectively and efficiently implement Performance Based Budgeting. In fact, the techniques covered were designed specifically to provide a more consistent and reliable reporting on government services and its bottom line results. In addition, the importance of developing and improving accountability and public trust of government institutions was strongly emphasized.
ONPA extends its appreciation to the sponsors for the invitation and their continuing support especially as capacity building remains one of ONPA's top priorities.