Definition: As auditor-in-charge, plans and conducts audits or portions of audits of government agencies.
Typical work:
- Prepares audit plans, related audit programs, working papers and draft reports;
- Evaluates and verifies financial records; evaluates systems, procedures and controls supporting financial records; determines if auditee is in compliance with legal requirements;
- Conducts entrance and exit conferences; recommends changes which will improve financial records and/or related systems, procedures or controls, or which will bring auditee into legal compliance;
- Answers questions of, and works with auditee to implement recommended changes;
- Conducts CFSM public projects, and CIP contracts, grant or sub-grant audits;
- Examines government financial electronic data processing facilities and automated systems to evaluate security, controls and reliability; also may be required to evaluate complex EDP systems and communications networks; submits written findings to line audit staff;
- Assists in training subordinate auditors;
- Performs other work as required;
Knowledge and Ability:
Knowledge of: governmental and commercial accounting and auditing principles and procedures; governmental budgeting, finance and operations; methods of inventory and fiscal control; methods of EDP computer systems; Attorney General's opinions, court decisions, legislation and regulations regarding audits of national government agencies.
Ability to: make complete and accurate audits; adjust quickly to changing work environment; interpret legal opinions, court decisions and legislation; exercise judgment in deciding the relative importance of accounting discrepancies; communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Minimum Qualifications:
A Bachelor's degree in accounting, plus five years of experience in auditing, four years of which must have been in auditing governmental agencies.
A Master's degree in business administration, public administration, economics, or closely allied field; or certification as a Public Accountant, Internal Auditor, Information Systems Auditor, Data Processor, or Management Accountant may be substituted for one year of the required experience, but not for the one year of governmental auditing. Or one year as an Auditor II or its equivalent.